Andrew Groves Andrew Groves

An Ode to Winter

I do so love the snow, the precious fleeting gift of winter that allows us to see the world anew - the landscape and everything within made momentarily magical. Celebrating a week of wintry weather in the Lake District.

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Emma Groves Emma Groves

A Wild Hike on Fleetwith Pike

Last week on our hike around Buttermere, the narrow, craggy ridge leading up to the summit of Fleetwith Pike caught our attention as being a small but rugged mountain that looked fun to climb.

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Emma Groves Emma Groves

Slow Adventure - the radical act of going slow

Life can feel kind of chaotic sometimes, right? A frantic blur of working, scrolling, hustling, squeezing in some time to get outside if we’re lucky. Society demands that the default is fast, we are told to strive for bigger and better. Each new tech innovation promises greater speed and efficiency - but for what? Where are we going in such a rush and why? What are we missing out on in our hurry as life flashes by in a blur?

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Emma Groves Emma Groves

Great Crag and the Borrowdale Valley

The walk started like so many, sat in the van waiting for a shower to pass. We had driven to the Borrowdale Valley for a walk we had wanted to do for while, but the weather was much worse than predicted. Rain pelted the metal roof of our van, clattering loudly like someone rummaging through a tin of nuts and bolts.

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Andrew Groves Andrew Groves

The Hike That Changed Everything

12 years ago, me and Emma had recently come back from a hike in the Swedish wilderness that changed almost everything.

We were young and it was right at the start of our journey as outdoors people. The ideaof the northern wilderness captivated our imaginations, it held the allure of a life lived more adventurously, rugged and raw.

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Emma Groves Emma Groves

Follow our adventures on Substack!

We are still writing regular posts about our adventures, nature, conservation, woodworking and woodland crafts but we’ve moved over to Substack. We hope to see you there!

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Conservation, Woodland Management Andrew Groves Conservation, Woodland Management Andrew Groves

A Week in the Woods - Video

Following on from our logbook post about woodland management, here is a short video documenting a full week of coppicing, thinning and ride widening in a beautiful woodland in Surrey. Whilst we are unlikely to win any awards as film makers, it’s been nice to make this little film and to have a record of some of the work I’ve carried out this winter.

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